Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We started our day in Gdansk with a visit with Lech Walsea. He is a fascinating, charismatic man. An electrician who went on to organize the Solidarity movement into a political party and to become the first freely elected president of Poland since 1947. Lech spoke through an interpreter but had a great sense of humor and is a very approachable person.

The drive from the Gdansk shipyards to the old, medieval city took us through the former soviet sections of town. The streets were lined with run down drab concrete buildings with no distinguishing features other than their ugliness and graffiti. All this changed as we walked through the Green Gate, the entrance to the Old Town.

The effect of the Soviet occupation has left lasting problems for all of the Baltic States that were occupied. Much is evident in the depressing rows of concrete housing blocks but, more insidious is the damage done to the population. Two generations that have never known freedom, that struggled to make it through one more day - a day spent waiting in line for hours for even the simplest of necessities. The countries all suffer from a lack of work ethic. Entering the European Union has greatly helped the Baltic countries by opening access to aid but, the shoddy workmanship that is a holdover from Soviet days makes it impossible for them to compete.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gdansk, Poland

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