Thursday, April 28, 2011


I awoke in the middle of the night to the wonderful sound of rain on the tin and thatched roof of our bure. It was cave dark and I questioned if my eyes were truly open until a flash of lightning illuminated the room. The rain would pour down at times with a tropical intensity only to ease up into a steady, droning rain that lulled us back to sleep. I awoke later to the grey light of pre-dawn. The rain was still drumming steadily on the roof punctuated by the occasional sound of a coconut thumping heavily to the ground. I snuggled tighter under the covers and enjoyed hearing the birds begin their wakening calls over the sound of the rain in the palms and on the roof top.

I quietly crept out of bed, grabbed a cup of Darjeeling tea, infused the requisite three minutes, and walked down to our beach in the rain. The birds were undaunted by the rain and kept up their chorus. The noisiest are the large red and blue parrots. The beach had changed overnight. The tide was going out and the little stream that flows around our bure had grown with the rain. It formed a new mini delta and stained the clear water tea brown.

For those of you that need pictures, here's our bedroom. In the far corner is a large, walk in double shower with open glass louvers on two sides. Across from the shower, behind the desk, is the hot tub.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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